Camp at the Dacha
First, it was a great trip: everything I expected and more ! We got a lot a work done and had some good fun also.Worked on putting the new fence up, probably sunk 30 to 40 fence posts with railing and got started on putting up wood planking in front. Built some new benches and put up a clothes hanger. Leveled ground in several places and sunk foundation for girls outhouse. Worked real well as a team and I think everyone really benefited from the concerted effort. For fun we went on a ten mile all day hike to the local horse farm,went swimming several days, prayed and worshiped together at meals and at our own devotional service Sunday morning as well with Concord group when they visited Sunday afternoon. Oh yeah, Denise and Artyom went biking a lot.
I nicknamed the camp Camp Survival, if you hadn't heard... If you don't like mosquitoes, snakes or sleepless nights, it's not for you ! Aside from the kidding, I think it was a great success.
(as told by Dan, camp leader, PA)