

by George Steiner

In your lifetime, how many people played a role in defining the person you are today? Just a guess on my part, but I bet anything it was more than one! Yet as ministries, we often want to act as if our impact is the only important influence in the lives of those we serve.

I remember a friend asking me a few years after I started Children’s HopeChest if there was anything I would do differently in the start-up of the organization. I thought for a minute and then responded that in going to orphanages for the first time, I had blinders on. The only people I saw were orphans. I was consumed by their dire circumstances and my heart was broken and I wanted to do anything and everything to alleviate their circumstances. Yet in the same room with orphans were those who had the greatest impact in their lives, their caregivers. So in starting over, I would have wanted to support and encourage those caregivers even more. Together, we could have done even more.

We work closely with two Russian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the Nadezhda (Hope) Fund and the Together Fund. When we established the Together Fund, it was with the idea that we are not only reaching out to orphans with others, we truly need each other! It takes many hands and voices in an orphan’s life to raise a healthy young adult. I’m grateful for every person and organization that has a part in building up orphans. Some of the organizations we partner with in Russia include: Nadezhda Fund, Together Fund, Children’s HopeChest, Doma, Cradle of Hope, Crisis Center for Women (Ivanovo), Mama’s Home, Vladimir Social Rehab Center, Junior Achievement (Russia), and Kidsave. From the U.S., we have faithful volunteers from Bridge to the Nations (North Carolina), Harmony Zelienople United Methodist Church (PA), Wave Church (VA), and Southern Hills Baptist (OK), as well as many other individuals who are investing their hearts and lives in the lives of orphans. In addition, there are Russian care givers, local churches, teachers and coaches in schools and others who influence their lives.

Without this collective dedication and expertise, our at-risk orphan work would not be nearly as effective. Together we do make a difference!

By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (The Message)