The light in their eyes
“Orphans” – said Bill when one of the Ministry Center participants asked him what his favorite thing about Russia was. You should’ve seen the young people’s faces. No, I’m not talking about disbelief; I’m talking about the light of joy that their eyes reflected at this moment. It’s not what they were expecting. They thought Bill would name some food or places but he didn’t even hesitate. It means a lot to know you’re worthy, worthy of love, worthy of a trip to Russia. What can be a better encouragement?
That same September trip Bill’s team also encouraged our staff. They took them out to dinner, shared their appreciation for their dedicated work and did some teaching. Later, one of the staff came up to Bill and said: “I’m going home today a different person than I was when I came to this meeting. You said something in regards to what I’ve been thinking about for a long-long time, and what you said was a revelation to me”. That same night that person came up to me and said this: “I’ve noticed that people who have faith shine from inside. Regardless of how many problems they have in their lives, light shines in their eyes. I want to be such a person too.”
So thank you for bringing light into the lives of the orphans and those who work with them on a daily basis!